3 Phase Isolating Transformer, base fixed housing – degree of protection IP23DTB 1.6 - 100kVA according to IEC/DIN EN61558-2-4

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Typical applications

3 phase isolating transformer according to IEC/EN61558-2-4 for general applications, e.g. for providing electrical (galvanic) isolation according to VDE0700/EN60335 regulations or network supply transformer (e.g. TN network system).


3 phase isolating transformer according to EN61558-2-4, built in a stable sheet steel housing (degree of protection IP23).

Housing is prepared for base fixing. Due to innovative vacuum impregnation in polyester varnish, the noise level is extraordinary low. Screw terminals are contact proof according to VBG4. DIN connectors – sizes depend on wire gauges – are used for wire bushings.
Standard switching matrix: Yyn0 (max. typical star load of phase current: approx. 10%). Switching matrix: Please note the distinction between different voltages (e.g. phase voltage, line voltage). For further information, don´t hesitate to contact us!
Power > 5 kVA: For safe transportation – e.g. to crane the transformer – loops are mounted to the housing.

3 Phase Isolating Transformer IP23

base fixed housing IEC/EN61558-2-4

Voltage range input / output 1 V … 1000 V
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Power range 1,6 … 630 kVA
setup exit Connection symbol Standard Yyn0

starpoint capacity ca.10%

Max. ambient temperature 40°C
UL Insulation System (optional) OBJY2.E181051
Insulation class (IEC85) F 155°C / bis 6,3kVA B 130°C
Fire protection class UL94HB (V-0 möglich)
Degree of protection IP00
Protection class I
  • Housing including angle brackets; RAL7035 pulverbeschichtet (standard)
  • Wire bushings according to DIN regulations
  • STransformer connectors: Screw terminals according to BGV A3
  • Transformer completely vacuum impregnated
approx. mm
Type and
Ordering No.
1,6 406 320 350 182 306 11 6,00 21,0 3UI 120/41 DTB0016
2 406 320 350 185 306 11 6,70 26,0 3UI 120/51 DTB0020
2,5 406 320 350 200 306 11 7,90 28,0 3UI 132/46 DTB0025
3,2 406 320 350 200 306 11 8,80 32,0 3UI 132/60 DTB0032
4,0 426 360 396 219 340 11 13,0 39,0 3UI 150/52 DTB0040
4,5 426 360 396 219 340 11 12,2 43,5 3UI 150/65 DTB0045
5,0 576 440 546 45 243 420 11 18,0 52,0 3UI 168/58 DTB0050
6,3 576 440 546 45 259 420 11 13,0 54,0 EI 300/300/63 DTB0063
8,0 576 440 546 45 259 420 11 13,5 62,5 EI 300/300/78 DTB0080
10,0 646 520 626 45 316 500 11 13,0 71,0 EI 350/350/73 DTB0100
12,5 646 520 626 45 316 500 11 15,0 85,0 EI 350/350/88 DTB0125
16 706 560 676 53 360 540 11 24,5 110,0 EI 400/400/83 DTB0160
20 706 560 676 53 360 540 11 28 114,0 EI 400/400/83 DTB0200
25 706 560 676 53 360 540 11 33 126,0 EI 400/400/93 DTB0250
30 706 560 676 53 360 540 11 43 150,0 EI 400/400/110 DTB0300
35 706 560 676 53 360 540 11 41 173,0 EI 400/400/140 DTB0350
40 706 560 676 62 360 540 11 45 192,0 440/420-80/137 DTB0400
50 956 660 726 62 460 640 11 69 218,0 440/420-80/188 DTB0500
63 956 660 726 62 460 640 11 89 263,0 550/470-90/120 DTB0630
80 956 660 726 62 460 640 11 89 296,0 550/470-90/150 DTB0800
100 956 660 726 62 460 640 11 110 362,0 550/470-90/180 DTB1000
125 956 660 726 62 670 640 11 168 362,0 550/470-90/180 DTB1250
160 1020 780 1051 62 670 735 15 203 600 680/120 DTB1600
200 1020 780 1051 62 670 735 15 255 710 680/150 DTB2000
225 1020 780 1051 62 670 735 15 280 845 680/180 DTB2250
250 1020 780 1051 62 670 735 15 310 980 680/210 DTB2500
315 1460 1000 1300 62 684 960 15 440 1130 830/150 DTB3150
400 1460 1000 1300 62 684 960 15 540 1330 830/200 DTB4000
500 1460 1000 1300 62 684 960 15 590 1550 830/250 DTB5000
630 1740 1200 1500 62 780 1160 18 660 1680 960/1800 DTB6300



3 Phase Isolating Transformers Circuits and Circuit Designs

3 phase isolation transformers offer various possibilities to connect PRIMARY and SECUNDARY winding.

Each design allows specific transformer characteristics. See the following table for preferred circuit designs.

  • Neutral wire “N“ or “n”. Percentage of neutral wire current allways refers to nominal current of phase conductor.
  • Please mind:

    • Secundary star circuit allows load on neutral wire.
    • Parallel connection of transformers must comply to following criteria:
      • Nominal voltage and rated frequency
      • Circuit design
      • Short circuit voltages
      • Ratio of rated loads should not extend 3:1